The Project of Historical and Cultural Heritages developed in the Institute of History & Philology:Digital Archive for Rare Books of the Fu Ssu-Nien Library

Project Leader:

Executing organization:The Fu Ssu-nien Library of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica

Archives Description:

The expectation of this digitization project is to construct the international knowledge network of rare and ancient books, which is on the basis of the fruitful results of our digital archives in Fu Ssu-nien library.We hope to provide more convenient and faster search and use of our collections, and it's also advantageous to the development, the exchange and the participation of the international sinology research. We also hope to reorganize and activate the contents of rare and ancient books, through the retrieval analysis of users, the SDI service, the technology of data mining, and to link correlation items from each database.The focal point of the project is to integrate each sinology research resources, the scholars and expert, and the research institutions, to establish the international academic exchanges platform of rare and ancient books,which will provide a foundation of the international sinology research cooperation.


In order to provide the readers the more perfect several resources synopsis and the operation direction, we establishes Digital archives system website of Fu Ssu-nien library, and integrates application notice and the procedure of each resources,to promote the effectively use of our digital resources.

Accomplished Archives:
